Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Valencia: June 19th, 2007

Its been a few days since I updated. Was sick the whole time we were in San Sebastian, which sucked; but at least I got caught up on sleep.

Anyway, today´s blog is supposed to be about my surroundings. This much, I can tell you, its hotter than hell here in Valencia. I never knew a port city could get this hot. Someone said it was like 35 degrees Celsius, and the air is very dry. The air seems pretty clear here, there's not very much smog. Its a clear day, the sky is very blue and the sun is beating down mercilessly on everyone. There was a fountain that was really cool looking and it shot water 15-20ft into the air, but the whole area smelled like stagnant water, that was kind of gross.

It seems like everywhere we go in this country, the people speak a different form of Spanish. Its really annoying because I can barely speak and understand one dialect, much less four. Its frustrating at times, but somehow I seem to be able to scrape by. The food isn´t too bad. I´m sick of ham, but other than that, everything is is pretty good. I´ve tried Paella, blood sausage, sangria, pastas, and God only knows what else. I really like it here, the people are nice enough, the weather isn´t moody like in San Antonio, and its alot easier to get around here... even if the drivers seem like they are intent on hitting anything and everything that gets into their path. The metros (subways) are really easy to use, and they´re cheap. I wouldn´t recommend using Taxis though, they´re really expensive and some of the drivers don´t really seem like the nicest people.